Worms and Flowers

10 Days Later

Posted in Garden by Lzyjo on April 10, 2010

Springtime moves faster than any other season. One day the trees are grey and bare, the next the entire hillside is green and bright. It’s amazing what happens in just ten days.


On April first I put the sweet potato in a jar. Ten days later there are three roots, one going all the way to the bottom of the jar and more a starting to grow sideways.  There are also two tiny purple nodes where the leaves will pop out.

Notice the bottle of sunblock on the table. It’s been hot here, in the 80s, and naturally I got my first sunburn of the season.

Back in third grade my class went on a farm trip for four or five days. One of the most memorable things (apart from getting really sick) was a grace we learned before meals in the dining hall. (I finally remembered the whole thing)

We Thank the for this food this food,
Glorious, Glorious Food
From the animals,
For the the vegetables,
That make it possible…..
(I think it was supposed to end here, but the class added)
to take a big dump.

(followed by the most incorrigible farting sounds imaginable.)

Our class INSISTED on using THAT grace for a LONG WHILE afterward, it was an instant class with the 9 and 10 year olds…..

Anywho!……I’m thankful for the cow poo around here so I put some around my rhubarb plant(1 year old) just a baby. Ten days later the leaves are huge.


Grow, baby, grow! Grow, grow, grow!

So this week’s lesson is: if your have children never teach them a grace involving thankfulness for manure or anything related to poo.


When changes have you noticed?

6 Responses

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  1. ourfriendben said, on April 10, 2010 at 1:01 PM

    Mercy on us, Lzyjo! But of course, we organic gardeners are always grateful for manure, as long as it can go on the garden. (As opposed to, say, the kind that results in cleaning the litter boxes or picking up after the dog.) I am SO impressed with your 1-year-old rhubarb plant! My second one is also a 1-year-old, but oh my, it’s still a baby compared to yours. However, I did put some compost around it this past weekend, so maybe it too is destined for greatness! The big news here is that all the fruit trees are coming into bloom: first the pluot, then the peach, now the pears, and finally the apples! (The pawpaws and persimmon will be much, much later.) Always a happy time!

    Oh, my, your blooming fruit trees sound marvelous!! Congrats on the pluot, I’m impressed that it was the first to flower. Woot! I have ultimate faith that your rhubarb will catch up, mine only only took off this spring, but it’s quite noticeable how much larger, and rhubarby, the leaves are getting.

  2. tina said, on April 10, 2010 at 1:39 PM

    things are popping like crazy! It has been such a wonderful spring and no late frost in sight anywhere:)

    Isn’t it nice to finally have warm weather! Such a surge of green and color.

  3. Lola said, on April 10, 2010 at 9:31 PM

    Love that rhubarb. Strawberries & rhubarb cobbler, yummy. I have both plants now if I can only get them together. lol

    MMMM!! Strawberry and rhubarb! My favorite combo, the one that inspired me to start growing rhubarb! You have total bragging rights if get to harvest them together. Yum, yum, yum!

  4. Gail said, on April 11, 2010 at 10:33 PM

    I love how blue the sky looks with the new green tree leaves against them…Isn’t spring grand! gail

    Very grand. I too love looking at the different combinations. The redbud and forsythia was particularly bright and charming this past week.

  5. Jen said, on April 12, 2010 at 2:50 PM

    Oy. We get plenty of scatological references here, but luckily none during grace so far! (so fart?)

    My friend who works with horses brought me some horse poop. I put it in the compost bin, but it should be ready soon. It really did a trick for your rhubarb, huh?

    Oy indeed! MMMMM, horse poo! My grandpa used to use that stuff. I used cow poo on my rhubarb, but it did seem to make a real difference so good luck, poo is pawr’ful stuff. 😀

  6. skeeter said, on April 13, 2010 at 10:12 AM

    Isn’t it amazing how the sweet potato reaches out for the water? Your blessing cracked me up as it reminded me of a saying we had when eating beans as kids. I am sure you know it but in case you do not. Beans beans the wonderful fruit, the more you eat, the more you toot (Poot was mostly instilled here) And I still wonder to this day are beans a veggie or fruit? Hum…. Thanks for the giggle today…

    Teee heee, I remember that one well. Why is it that kids love anything with farting sounds? Thanks for stopping by and thanks for the chuckle.

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